
Shadowrun:Dragonfallisatacticalrole-playinggamedevelopedbyHarebrainedSchemessetintheShadowrununiverse.Itwasoriginallyreleasedas ...,AOne-of-a-KindCyberpunkSetting:Experiencetheunique“TechmeetsMagic”dystopianfutureofShadowrun,afan-favoritegamesettingnowcelebratingit's25th ...,《Shadowrun:Dragonfall-Director'sCut》為原始版本的遊戲新增了許多全新內容和改良,讓這個專為主機平台打造的決定版提供了獨一...


Shadowrun: Dragonfall is a tactical role-playing game developed by Harebrained Schemes set in the Shadowrun universe. It was originally released as ...

Dragonfall - Official Shadowrun Wiki

A One-of-a-Kind Cyberpunk Setting: Experience the unique “Tech meets Magic” dystopian future of Shadowrun, a fan-favorite game setting now celebrating it's 25th ...

Shadowrun: Dragonfall

《Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut》為原始版本的遊戲新增了許多全新內容和改良,讓這個專為主機平台打造的決定版提供了獨一無二的賽博龐克角色扮演遊戲體驗。

在Steam 購買Shadowrun: Dragonfall

Harebrained Schemes' biggest Shadowrun game to date, and the definitive Shadowrun RPG experience available on PC. Now a standalone title with tons of new ...

Shadowrun: Dragonfall

2014年9月18日 — Shadowrun: Dragonfall's classless skill system allows you to grow your character in any direction you choose. New in the Director's Cut.

購買Shadowrun: Dragonfall


購買Shadowrun: Dragonfall

《Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut》為原始版本的遊戲新增了許多全新內容和改良,讓這個專為主機平台打造的決定版提供了獨一無二的賽博龐克角色扮演遊戲體驗。 當 ...